Easy Phone finder helps you find your phone very easily.
If you left your phone somewhere in your home in ‘Silent Mode’ or ‘Vibrate Mode’ and don’t remember where you put it, then here is your solution.
Easy Phone finder can turn the ringer volume up and make your phone ring alarm so that you can easily follow the voice direction and find your phone.
Just send a single Text Message of your Code with Any Phone to your Phone(must have this application installed) and the phone will start ringing automatically.
Please Rate and Review this application to support developer and share this application with your friends to help them find their phone easily.
Important Note : If you are using any third-party SMS messaging application then it is recommended to switch to your default SMS receiving application. Otherwise, it will not work for some devices. If you are using Hike Messenger for receiving SMS, then go to Menu ⇾ Settings and Uncheck the option to Receive messages within hike.