The application will automatically count your daily calorie allowance and PCF correlation depending on your parameters and activity.

No account or registration needed
Use as you install! All data is saved on your device offline!

• Calorie Calculator
• Food intake tracking that allows you to make notes in your food diary
• Daily calories, fats, proteins and carbohydrates counter
• Daily pure water counter
• Food products and cooked dishes calories info plus an enormous food product database
• Body mass index, fat percentage, calorie allowance and PCF calculation
• Agile tuning of calories, fats, carbohydrates and proteins limits
• GI (glycemic index) and GL (glycemic load) of food products
• CU (carbohydrate units) count in food intakes for patients with diabetes
• Ability to upload ration to website and get link to it
• Graphs and statistics covering food intakes and weight losing data
• Previous days ration display
• Portion weight adjusting for various food products
• Offline access to data stored on devices
• Burned calorie count for various activities
• Synchronization with your other devices
• Food and fitness information aggregation


Oktober 3, 2021
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